Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's A Sad Time

After 4 visits to the vet this past week and numerous tests, cultures and xrays, my Jed had to be put to sleep yesterday. He was diagnosed with cancer and had severely deteriorated in just one week. While I know it was the best and only alternative for him, it didn't make it any easier. He was the King of his castle and my friend for over 13 years. He will be sorely missed.

Jed sleeping in his favorite spot, my fax/ scanner

Jed receiving love from his mate


**Rubina** said...

I loved Jed too. I am so sorry for your loss. He was such a special guy. I will miss his affectionate personality and his sweet face. :(

Anonymous said...

I hadn't stopped by your blog in a while. And so, in my catching up today, I read this terrible news.

I am so, so sorry. There's something really amazing about sharing a home with a sweet creature, and I am so sorry that Jed has passed on. You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I felt your pain too. He was one of the most affectionate cats, loving and gentle. Will miss you Jed.